Miyerkules, Oktubre 12, 2016

Contemporary Issues Lessons

Gender and Sexuality,

Image result for gender and sexuality symbols

 Males are usually expected to act and look ‘masculine’, and females ‘feminine’.

When people refer to someone’s sex (sometimes talked about as biological or physical sex) they’re talking about their physical characteristics (e.g. having a penis, vagina, beard, or breasts etc), genes and hormones. 

And Some family will do the traditions of (e.g. the father will work for their family and the mother will do house chore and keep the children safe).

But nowadays, there's some changes including gender role,for example: there is some instances that the man role in society is already do the woman nowadays.

regardless of our sexuality, unless you know in yourself what your role in the society even if you are a boy, girl, lesbian and a gay. simply respect our diversity..

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